Homemade Cashew or Almond milk

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Homemade Cashew or Almond milk

December 12, 2018 | Uncategorized | No Comments

For many years I purchased the store bought cashew and almond milks, trying out different bands continuously  because most of them did not taste great, also when reading the ingredients , I found sometimes cashew and almond where mixed with other ingredients, gums, and fillers.  Once, when purchasing pure coconut milk, upon a closer investigation of the ingredients I realized it was actually “coconut extract”  not even sure what that means.  So for these reasons, and the pure simple fact that it tastes amazing,  I advise you to at least attempt to make your own, its much easier then you may think and is sooo worth it!

For this recipe you can use any blender you choose, but I recommend using the vitamix, it really is worth the money and will be used in many vegan recipes. You will also need either a strainer or cheesecloth, I prefer the strainer only because I use it a lot in other recipes.

Homemade Cashew or Almond milk

Mary Mabry
This is a basic recipe for homemade cashew or almond milk, this process can be applied to different varieties of nuts, soy beans, or even coconut
Prep Time 4 hours
Cook Time 7 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 7 minutes
Servings 6


  • 2-4 cups Cashews or almonds I used unsalted raw cashews but have also tried roasting them myself and using for a unique flavor
  • 4 Dates optional for sweetness
  • 4-6 cups filtered water can be adjusted to your own desired thickness


  • Place the cashews or almonds in a bowl and cover with water, let them soak for 4 hours or overnight.  If you need the milk right away, it is possible to boil the cashews to soften them and speed up the soaking process.
  • Discard the water and place cashews in the blender or food processor, if the blender is small you may need to do this step in batches.  You will need to use double the amount of water for the amount of cashews you put in the blender  (so If you put 1 cup of cashews you are going to need to add at least 2 cups of filtered water )
  • After Blending, add in the dates and blend again, then strain out the pulp and enjoy!


After cashews are completely blended you need to strain once or even twice depending on the type of blender. The blender you use really does matter here and if you intend on making a lot of vegan things I highly recommend getting a Vitamix blender, this will make your life as a vegan SO much easier, and will give you the ability to make all kinds of cashew creams and sauces completely smooth without any grit, which you cannot achieve with a food processor or regular blender.
Keyword best vegan cashewmilk, homemade almond milk, Homemade cashew milk, how to make your own cashew milk, how to make your own homemade nut milk

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